Flora Soap Packaging

  • 2018
  • Packaging Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Branding

Essential oils and flavored soaps. Flavors include Sweet Orange, Lavender, Geranium, Lemongrass

Brief:  Highlight the flavor, origin and colors in clear manner. Each item should tell a story

Pressed Leaves, showing the beauty and longevity of plants. The ingredients are the main focus visually, but the packaging should also have a touch sensory experience. Hand-made soap has a craft to it, thus the visual approach was to go with a  drawn/hand-painted style, where you can see hints of the brush strokes, giving it a more artistic feeling. Touch element was accomplished with print technology by creating the shapes of the ingredients and embossing them, lifting them up on top of the design to let the viewer feel the shapes, as if they were looking and touching a pressed leave (though in this case, the plant is not fragile, and will not break). The packaging material used was semi-transparent, blurred packaging, embossing using the base color.

flora soap packaging product reel

design inspiration

Packaging material

Packaging material

Emboss shape design for touch. Design also applied as the base for the visuals.

color palette
lavender flafor
orange flavor
lemongrass flavor
product view
packaging view
packaging design

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