OXO Group Website Design and Development

  • 2019
  • Web Design
  • UI Design
  • Front-End Development
  • Branding

OXO Group was founded in 1999 and it’s main areas of business include commercial operations, public art management, media development, technology, and asset management. OXO Group combines art, culture, commerce and technology to provide individuals, businesses and government sector with multidimensional innovation spaces for a model of future life.

奥所集团OXO GROUP始创于1999年,主要经营业务有商业运营、公共艺术运营、传媒运营、科技研发集成、资产管理等。集团融合艺术与文化、科技与商业,为个人、企业、政府,提供多维度的创新空间,创造一个未来的生活样板。

Brief: Design and develop a new website for OXO Group that communicates the brand message and it’s color identity, as well as notions of future and technology.

oxo group showcase

Approach: Minimalistic layout. Visual approach communicating space and the future with a (subtle) artistic feel. Minimal, yet slightly abstract.

main colors

Space + Future Focus: Each page begins with a slow-motion future / space hero video

space focus

Custom icons reflecting the main business sectors.

custom icons

Clear look for important and heading elements, using a lot of negative space.

website design
web design


homepage design
homepage full design

Other pages

other page designs

Responsive Mobile Version

mobile version

Previous versions

city animation
                       2024 © Simo Herold. All rights received.